Saturday 11 July 2020

Magical Stick

SYOSIN selfie stick

 with mobile phone and camera tripod (100cm) - 4 in 1 selfie stick with Bluetooth remote control, 360 ° rotation selfie stick for GoPro action camera and iPhone Android smartphones

to get it in Deutschland press here 

and in US and Canada from here ©

Saturday 27 June 2020

The Ginseng

Dr.Berg speaks in this video about what GINSENG does in your body 

For American and Canadian citizens press here to get it.

And for Europian citizens press here to get it.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

The Brain Storm Tea

On the off chance that you were thinking the word matcha implies something unique, reconsider. It truly signifies "powdered tea." 

Matcha tea originates from a similar plant that all tea originates from: Camellia sinensis. 

In contrast to customary green tea, matcha is conceal grown 20-30 days before it is reaped. This procedure not just builds the amino corrosive substance of the tea, yet in addition the chlorophyll content which gives matcha its splendid green shading. 

After the leaves are reaped, the leaves are steamed, dried and ground into a fine powder. At the point when you drink matcha tea, you're getting the supplements from the whole tea leaf. This implies you're getting devouring more cancer prevention agents. (More on that later!) 

Since matcha is produced using the whole tea leaf, it contains more caffeine than standard soaks tea — multiple times the sum, to be accurate. 

Be that as it may, how does matcha contrast with espresso? 

All things considered, one cup (8-oz) of fermented espresso contains 95mg of caffeine, in spite of the fact that that number can shift incredibly relying upon the kind of espresso. For instance, 12-oz of cold mix can contain 150-240 mg caffeine. 

Matcha, then again, contains around 70-80 mg of caffeine for every cup. 

While the distinction in caffeine is negligible, the kind of caffeine in tea has a significant effect. Why? Since the body processes it in an unexpected way. 

In contrast to the caffeine in espresso, which is immediately discharged into the circulatory system, the caffeine in matcha is gradually discharged. This is on the grounds that the caffeine atoms in matcha (and green tea) tie to the catechins. As the catechins separate, caffeine enters the circulatory system gradually over a 6-8 hour time frame. 

This procedure likewise forestalls adrenaline and insulin spikes, which forestalls the feared caffeine crash and drop in glucose. 

Is stuffed with cell reinforcements including the incredible EGCg 

Lifts digestion and consumes calories 

Detoxifies successfully and normally 

Quiets the brain and loosens up the body 

Is plentiful in fiber, chlorophyll and nutrients 

Upgrades temperament and helps in focus 

Gives nutrient C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium 

Forestalls ailment 

Brings down cholesterol and glucose 

Matcha tea is a simple and basic approach to add ground-breaking medical advantages to your ordinary eating routine.

Click here to get your MATCHA

Moringa Tea

What is Moringa tea?
Moringa or drumsticks have been utilized in the territorial cooking styles of Southern Indian states for centuries, yet the world is just currently getting used to it. From 'supernatural occurrence herb' to 'superfood', Moringa oleifera has been congratulated with various titles and expressions, causing the western world to go gaga over it. The plant has been changed over to powders which can be added to teas and espressos which are presently being utilized in incalculable exemplary plans of primary dishes and fixings. It's protected to state that moringa is making the most of its spot under the Sun and is as a rule effectively fused in the weight control plans of individuals around the globe. Albeit some wellbeing specialists might be more doubtful than the remainder of the world about these 'mysterious' characteristics of moringa, it appears as though it is digging in for the long haul as a wellbeing food. 

Moringa tea is only one beverage that this superfood rage has brought forth. The tea that is set up from the leaves of moringa or drumstick tree is currently a well known refreshment with a few food and beverages producers capitalizing on the pattern. Moringa tea is quick turning into a famous decision among 'wellbeing oddities' and the beverage is likewise said to have a few medical advantages for us. How about we take a gander at some mind boggling medical advantages that moringa tea is known for. 

Moringa Tea Benefits 

1. Fat Loss 

Moringa is known to be plentiful in various fundamental nutrients and minerals and is likewise said to help activate put away instinctive fat. The tea is wealthy in cancer prevention agents, which are basically the polyphenols or plant mixes in it. As indicated by the book 'How To Lose Back Fat' by Cynthia Trainer, "Moringa tea is appeared to have a weight reduction impact. Vitality creation happens rather than fat stockpiling... the leaves are low-fat and supplement thick and can be effectively seen as options in contrast to fatty nourishments." 

2. Pulse Control 

Moringa tea, which is set up from dried out and ground moringa leaves, is said to help in pulse control also. This has been credited to the nearness of quercetin in it, which is said to lessen circulatory strain. Moreover, it might likewise help BP patients battle irritation, because of its enemy of oxidative capacities. 

3. Glucose Control 

Moringa leaves may likewise help individuals experiencing diabetes, as it contains the cancer prevention agent chlorogenic corrosive, which is additionally present in espresso and that is said to hold glucose levels under wraps. Furthermore, it is supposed to be plentiful in Vitamin C, which has been appeared to lessen glucose and pulse in patients of Type-2 diabetes. 

4. Battles Cholesterol Build-up 

Moringa oleifera may likewise help lessen levels of cholesterol, in this way possibly helping heart patients and bringing down dangers of heart illnesses. 

5. Magnificence Benefits 

The ground-breaking cell reinforcement capacities of moringa imply that it might likewise help improve nature of your skin and hair, by battling irritation and oxidative worry in the body. Cancer prevention agents may help keep poisons under control and possibly clear the skin.

press here to get your Moringa

Monday 22 June 2020

Start The ‘Slim Over 55’ Program TODAY

START The ‘Slim Over 55’ Program TODAY and Lose 13Lbs Or More Each Month Until You Reach Your Ideal Weight, ALL WHILE STAYING AT HOME!

SLIM OVER 55 is THE ONLY program for women over 55 that is especially designed for your body who has gone through menopause and needs to get all the hormones back in balance!Take the 4 secret herbs revealed inside our Weight Loss Manual, and do the easy workouts, and you'll triple your metabolism, lose over 3lbs per week, feel 20 years younger and double your energy level so that you can easily keep up with your grand kids!!

Click here to get your copy today

8 motivations to eat amla consistently

8 motivations to eat amla consistently 

It has multiple times more nutrient C than an orange, double the cell reinforcement intensity of acai berry, and around multiple times that of a pomegranate. The modest Indian gooseberry, regularly known as amla, really merits its superfood status. 

The translucent green natural product, which gets its name from the Sanskrit word 'Amlaki' signifying "nectar of life", can ensure us against incalculable sicknesses, be it the regular cold, malignant growth, or barrenness. Ayurveda specialists guarantee that amla can help balance the three doshas in the body and dispense with the hidden reason for some sicknesses. 

In the event that you are not effectively persuaded, read this not insignificant rundown of amla's medical advantages and you would know why you ought to enjoy this sharp treat every day. 

1. It helps battle the basic virus 

The nutrient C in amla is ingested all the more effectively by the body contrasted with locally acquired enhancements. Blend two teaspoons of amla powder with two teaspoons of nectar and have it three to four times each day for moment alleviation when you have a cold or a hack or devour once day by day for perpetual insurance. It helps battle the basic virus 

2. It improves visual perception 

Studies have indicated that the carotene in amla improves vision. Day by day utilization has additionally been connected to progress in general eye wellbeing as amla can lessen waterfall issue, intraocular strain (the weight you feel) just as forestall blushing, tingling, and watering of eyes. 

3. It consumes fat 

This is the least discussed at this point most energizing advantage of amla. A protein present in amla forestalls yearnings. Standard shoppers state drinking a glass of amla juice before a dinner tops them off and cause them to eat less. Nutritionists state amla helps digestion as well, making one shed weight quicker. Amla has high fiber substance and acids like tannic which help calm stoppage and make you look less enlarged. 

4. It constructs resistance 

Amla's antibacterial and astringent properties help one's resistant framework. Countless medical issues including malignant growth are brought about by oxidative harm – when body cells use oxygen, they leave destructive results called free radicals behind. Considering amla is a powerful cell reinforcement specialist, it can forestall and fix the harm. 

5. Amla improves hair 

Amla, similar to curry leaves, is a demonstrated tonic for hair. It eases back down turning gray, forestalls dandruff, reinforces hair follicles, and builds blood dissemination to the scalp in this way improving hair development. Amla likewise goes about as a characteristic conditioner giving you delicate gleaming locks. You could apply amla oil or blend amla powder into henna for a hair pack. It enhances hair 

6. It improves skin 

Amla is the best enemy of maturing organic product. Drinking amla juice with nectar each morning can give you imperfection free, solid and gleaming skin. 

7. It oversees ceaseless conditions 

Amla is stacked with chromium which helps in diminishing awful cholesterol and furthermore invigorates insulin creation, in this way decreasing the blood glucose level of diabetics. Drinking amla squeeze early every morning or when one's circulatory strain is raised helps monitor the pulse level, as well. 

8. It mitigates torment 

Be it joint inflammation related joint hurts or agonizing mouth ulcers, amla can give alleviation attributable to its mitigating properties. For ulcers, you basically need to weaken amla juice into equal parts some water and swish with it. 

Instructions to utilize amla 

Drinking the juice of new amla is the most ideal approach to receive the rewards of this organic product. Amla is effectively accessible from December through April. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you can't deal with the acrid shot, attempt these delectable choices: 


Deseed and hack amla into little pieces. Blend in with somewhat salt and leave to dry in daylight for a couple of days. When it is totally got dried out, store in a dry container for a perfect in a hurry nibble. 


Make a fiery amla achaar or a sweet murabba by dousing amla in sweet water.

to get Amla powder which you can add it to every kind of food or drinks, please click here

Magical Stick

SYOSIN selfie stick  with mobile phone and camera tripod (100cm) - 4 in 1 selfie stick with Bluetooth remote control, 360 ° rotat...